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Meet Martin, The Adorable Kitten That Is The Newest Addition To NYPD

Recently, Brooklyn’s NYPD 60th Precinct got a new and very special recruit onto their team. This was none other than a charming 6-month-old tabby kitten! This adorable orphaned kitten was abandoned at the station, and he managed to steal the hearts of officers in no time! He was purring around the station, jumping into officers’ laps, giving them cuddles and snuggles whenever he could. They quickly grew a strong bond with the animal and they couldn’t bring themselves to take the cat to an animal shelter. So, they came up with the perfect solution! They thought the station should adopt the kitten and they also managed to convince the commanding officer to do just that! Their boss didn’t really reject the idea as long as they’re okay with cleaning after the kitty, so the cute kitty became their newest part of the team!

This Kitten’s Sleeping Position Will Make You Say ‘Aww’

We have a special fondness when it comes to sleeping cats since cats can sleep anytime anywhere and usually in very ludicrous positions. 

These Rescue Kittens Give Each Other Emotional Support After Being Left Behind

These two adorable kittens have never left each other alone since they were rescued, and they’ve grown up to be gorgeous cats together.

This Kitten Who Was Found Crying Outside Became Friends With A Tabby Cat Immediately And The Story Of Them Will Make You Cry

A tiny kitty who was found crying alone outside a building made friends with another rescue kitten and they are just melting our hearts.

Thai Artist’s Photos Of Cats With Spider-Man Will Make Your Day

Neung is a Thai artist who has a Facebook page with over 270k followers dedicated to creating scenarios of cats posing with baby Spider-Man. The page is called Spidey Adventure.

This Cute Stray Cat's New Home Is A Classroom

We absolutely love all cats regardless of their colors, sizes, or shapes, but we have to admit there is something very unique about ginger cats, and if you happen to own one, you probably know what we are talking about. They are just super chill and they always stand out in a crowd! One of such adorable and unique ginger cats is the cat in this story, Tombi. This cute kitty just casually walked into a classroom one day and decided that these third-graders needed him, so he just decided to stay with the students who were very excited about this situation and became the school's cat, basically! Tombi was very cool about this whole situation when he entered the classroom ( we aren't surprised, this is all because he is a ginger cat!). Read on if you want to know how Tombi touched the lives of these children and teachers.

This Guy Found A Scared Kitten Under A Truck And Became Her Hero

When Redditor JustAnotherGoodGuy found a scared kitten clinging to a truck near his office, he couldn’t just leave her to die there. According to the Redditor, “the mother cat ran off and left this kitten behind. I haven’t seen any other kittens around this one.” After he found the poor cat, the man sent a text to his wife asking if he could bring her home. His wife immediately said yes, as the kitten was too cute to be left outside. They immediately took the cat to the vet. “That’s how we learned it was a female cat. She got shots and a full care package. Turned out that she was only 4-5 weeks old when we found her.” “Axel quickly managed to adapt to the home environment. Immediately became friends with our 19-year-old cat and 2-year-old dog. She now has a loving home and a cozy space to live.” said the couple.

You Can't Get Surprised!

Animals are really cute and interesting creatures. Here are funny photos of animals when they first see something. They seem really surprised.

Funny Cats On Glass Tables

Cats love flat surfaces, and whenever they find such a place, and if it is made of glass, like a glass-table or desk, their owners should be ready to take some lovely photos of them!

This Special Cat Who Is Diagnosed With Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome Finally Finds A Forever Home

The American Society for The Prevention of Cruelty to Animals stated that in the U.S., 3.2 million cats are brought to animal shelters every year. Unfortunately, out of this 3.2 million, roughly 860,000 never find forever homes and are euthanized. Luckily, these two special kitties named Toby and Quinton were adopted by Georgina Price and her fiance Christopher Lardner. The couple had a rescue cat named Herbie before, but unfortunately, he passed away when he was 16, and the couple wanted to adopt another cat since their house in Stroud, England was feeling empty without their precious Herbie.

This Cat Has Eyebrows And She Looks Hilarious

This calico cat is named Lilly and she looks like she’s judging her owner all the time due to her funny-looking eyebrows.

Very Precise Cat Sketches

Cats have variety of sizes. An Instagram account tracks all those cats daily and shares some life-like sketches. The account, @DailyPurrr shows the great harmony of the simple and the hilarious.