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30 weird cat sculptures all around the world

In our gallery, we have compiled the world's weirdest cat sculptures. Cat lovers will like this gallery a lot!

Meet Maine Coon Cats, The Gentle Giants Of Our Planet

There are lots and lots of cat breeds in this world, and each of them has its own unique features. But Maine Coons manage to stand out even more compared to other domestic cats, we might say. Do you want to know why? Then check our list out for more information on these majestic creatures!

Cats Mothered by Birds

Meet Smoothie, The World’s Most Photogenic Cat

This is Smoothie, a British longhair cat who is living with her owner, Arvid von Boekel in the Netherlands. This beautiful cat has an Instagram account and unsurprisingly she has quite a fanbase! We can say she has a bright future in modeling. Just check out her photos below to see them for yourself!

Pets Wearing Crocs

It looks as if these adorable animals are wearing their crocs in the most appropriate way, may be better than anyone else. Looks so cute!

This Gallery Will Give You More Than Enough Reasons To Adopt A Black Cat

Some people associate black cats with popular horror films such as Friday 13th and Halloween. The others think they’re unlucky due to their connections with witches. And due to these ridiculous reasons, they’re usually the last to be adopted in rescue centers. We think that black cats are so cool and actually quite adorable. Discriminating an animal because of the color of its fur is not only ridiculous but also very wrong. If you haven’t even tried to pet a black cat, we definitely suggest that you should. You’ll find yourself attached to it in no time. If you’re still indecisive about adopting a black cat, check out our gallery to see how cute they are yourself.

The Only Survivor Amongst A Litter Of Four Kittens Is On The Path To Recovery At Montana Animal Clinic

These stories are truly heartbreaking but once again, a family of four kittens was abandoned on the side of the road in a cardboard box. They were found in Helena, Montana, but by the time they were found, it was already too late for some of the kittens. Three out of four kittens ended up dying.

If You Are A Cat Owner You Should Know About The Dangers Of Himalayan Salt Lamps For Your Pet

According to the vets, Himalayan salt lamps can actually be very dangerous for your cat, and if your Instagram aesthetic is all about cats, Himalayan salt lamps, and crystals, maybe it’s time to change that. A Himalayan salt lamp can be very tempting for your cat to lick and that can cause sodium poisoning which can end up being fatal for your cat.

Turns Out That Cats Give Messages To Their Owners With Their Abnormal Behaviors

We accept dogs as man’s best friends, but in reality, we should give more credit to the cats as well. Many cat owners will tell you their pets are just as loyal as any other pet can be but in their own special way. One thing is for sure, though, it’s not easy to understand cats and their behaviors. We can say they also try to communicate with their owners and other people around but these behaviors aren’t really easy to read more often than not. Here in this list, though, we are giving you some tips and tricks about your cat’s behaviors and what they might mean. Read on to understand your pet better!

The Bravest Mother

The scenery a driver encountered on the Canadian road fascinated those who saw. A stray dog was trying to warm five kittens on a cold winter's day. 

These Charming Sand Kittens Recorded In Their Natural Environment For The First Time Ever

The director of Panthera France, Gregory Breton was on a very long and exhausting expedition with his colleague, and they were feeling kind of done with the whole thing on September 25th until they managed to discover something in the bushes that had never been seen in the wild before. They spotted three pairs of shining eyes staring at them at 2 in the morning, from the darkness that consumed the shrubs they were hiding in. Gregory and his colleague decided to pull out their spot lamps to further investigate these creatures they saw, and they ended up finding a group of young sand cats in their natural habitat! Unbelievable, right?

These Cats Deserve An Oscar With Their Dramatic ‘Performances’

We all know how overly dramatic and over-the-top the behaviors of cats can be sometimes. Especially if you are a cat owner you probably realize how your cat looks at you as if it’s starving if you give them food 10 minutes late before the regular time, or how they react when they see something for the first time. We think the cats in this list definitely deserve an Oscar for being so overly dramatic. Scroll down, and enjoy our list!